Saturday, March 23, 2013

When mommy doesn't feel good...

Nobody in the house feels good, especially me.

Last week mom had surgery because she has been having breathing problems. She talked to me about it before hand, but I didn't realize how scary she would look (don't tell her I said that) or how much she wouldn't be able to play with me :-(

I was really scared when she got home because her face was wrapped up. I got my pacing and crying out, and then I made sure I was there for her...
Because I know she would need lots of cuddles to get better. We took a LOT of naps together over the week, which was nice.
I also made sure to check mom every 30 minutes or so just to make sure she was ok. No matter what I was doing, I would get up, check the temperature of her forehead with my nose, and then give her a little kiss before laying back down. She told me I was a good nurse! Well duah mom, you always take really good care of me, so I have to take care of you too!

The one cool thing about moms surgery was that Grammie came to visit and keep me company! Every time she comes to visit I try to get her to give me food.
 This time she had pringles, I was REALLY close to getting one. But I struck out again...

Mom is doing a lot better now, and she can breath which is really good! I'm also glad to say that she can now get up and move around a lot more. I can't wait until she's cleared by the doctor so we can start going running together again!

Later guys!