Sunday, December 8, 2013

Happy Hallow-wiggle!!!

Cora and I were minions for Halloween this year. We had a lot of fun with our costumes and ran all over the place! Mom got all action shots 
But not many of us being still!

Cali dog. 

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree!

Cora here,
So this is my first Christmas and Cali says we get presents from mom and dad, but that the youngest is supposed to share her presents with the oldest. I don't know if I believe her...I'll have to ask mom about that. 

Anyway we've had a really bad ice storm the past few days here in Texas so we've been inside a lot. I don't really like going outside right now. It's cold, I slide all over the place and you can forget going potty out there! Nobody should freeze their lady bits off going out there when it's nice and warm and you can go inside (although mom and dad don't like it but whatever they don't have to freeze their lady parts off going outside). 

Today mom got this thing called a Christmas tree. It smells good and tasted weird when you bite on it, but I like to play with it and dad chases me when I do which is a lot if fun! I helped mom decorate it with lights today also. We had to untangled all of the lights first though, here I am helping with that. 
Mom says I'm a really good helper, dad just shakes his head at us and Cali whines a lot because she wants to help decorate but the lights scare her. What a weirdo. 

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope Santa Paws brings ya'll lots of good squeaker toys and bones and a new comfy bed! 

Slobber and kisses, 
Cora Pup

Saturday, December 7, 2013


This ice storm is for the birds. 2 days inside and we have watched just about every movie we have