I didn't mean to kill it, I swear. It was just a little out of it's cover, but mom was scared I was going to choke on it or something so she took it away. Which was crap because it totally still squeaked!
She thought she was smart in hiding it in the garbage can (ew), but as the smartest dog alive lids don't stop me. I mean, I learned to open doors woman. Opening the garbage can by stepping on the lever is puppy's play.
So while she was in the shower I rescued my toy and continued to play with it...
Which was apparently NOT a good dog of me because when she got out and found it like this:
not only did I get a spanking for getting in the trash can but she took it away AGAIN! This time though she put it outside and locked the door on her way back in (unlocking doors is not a skill set I have mastered yet, but I'm thinking its time that changed). Kong, you were a good Wubba and you will be very much missed.
R.I.P. Wubba 05.30.2011 - 10.16.2012 you were my favorite
-Slobbers & Kisses
Cali Dog
P.S. Check out what I found in the drawer of dog toys after the burial of Wubba (I can open drawers too, told you I was the smartest dog ever).
Kong ball...the squeakquel
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