Cora here,
I got my stitches out last week and Cali and I celebrated by taking a nap in mom and dad's bed!
Mom says to disregard the messiness, she was studying for a test and hasn't had time to clean this week. Speaking of studying, here I am helping her make notecards for her test!
After mom's test we had a pretty eventful week, we got a pool (which Cali hogged and wouldn't let me in with her)
Oh and then I got STUCK under the bed. Which is REALLY not funny, but mom and sister were laughing at me for a long time before they could finally get me out.
Taking pictures of me when she SHOULD be helping get me out of there, what kind of mom is she?
Anyway, it was really hot under there, so after they got me out, I went and took a nap on the cold tile floor of the shower.
And then when dad got home he cuddled with me too (I don't think he knows mom took this picture, but it's my favorite of him and I so far).
Alright, mom says she needs the computer to do school work so I have to go. But before I do, I'll leave you with one more picture of my adorable self!
Slobber & Kisses