Nobody in the house feels good, especially me.
Last week mom had surgery because she has been having breathing problems. She talked to me about it before hand, but I didn't realize how scary she would look (don't tell her I said that) or how much she wouldn't be able to play with me :-(
I was really scared when she got home because her face was wrapped up. I got my pacing and crying out, and then I made sure I was there for her...
Because I know she would need lots of cuddles to get better. We took a LOT of naps together over the week, which was nice.
I also made sure to check mom every 30 minutes or so just to make sure she was ok. No matter what I was doing, I would get up, check the temperature of her forehead with my nose, and then give her a little kiss before laying back down. She told me I was a good nurse! Well duah mom, you always take really good care of me, so I have to take care of you too!
The one cool thing about moms surgery was that Grammie came to visit and keep me company! Every time she comes to visit I try to get her to give me food.
This time she had pringles, I was REALLY close to getting one. But I struck out again...
Mom is doing a lot better now, and she can breath which is really good! I'm also glad to say that she can now get up and move around a lot more. I can't wait until she's cleared by the doctor so we can start going running together again!
Later guys!