Sunday, December 8, 2013

Happy Hallow-wiggle!!!

Cora and I were minions for Halloween this year. We had a lot of fun with our costumes and ran all over the place! Mom got all action shots 
But not many of us being still!

Cali dog. 

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree!

Cora here,
So this is my first Christmas and Cali says we get presents from mom and dad, but that the youngest is supposed to share her presents with the oldest. I don't know if I believe her...I'll have to ask mom about that. 

Anyway we've had a really bad ice storm the past few days here in Texas so we've been inside a lot. I don't really like going outside right now. It's cold, I slide all over the place and you can forget going potty out there! Nobody should freeze their lady bits off going out there when it's nice and warm and you can go inside (although mom and dad don't like it but whatever they don't have to freeze their lady parts off going outside). 

Today mom got this thing called a Christmas tree. It smells good and tasted weird when you bite on it, but I like to play with it and dad chases me when I do which is a lot if fun! I helped mom decorate it with lights today also. We had to untangled all of the lights first though, here I am helping with that. 
Mom says I'm a really good helper, dad just shakes his head at us and Cali whines a lot because she wants to help decorate but the lights scare her. What a weirdo. 

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope Santa Paws brings ya'll lots of good squeaker toys and bones and a new comfy bed! 

Slobber and kisses, 
Cora Pup

Saturday, December 7, 2013


This ice storm is for the birds. 2 days inside and we have watched just about every movie we have

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I finded a chew toy

So mom says ductape isn't a chew toy. However it's chewy and fun so by MY definition, that's a chew toy

Monday, October 28, 2013

Over mom studying

Cali here,
Min has been studying for grad school a lot so she's been hogging the computer. Cora and I are over it because we get no play time with her.  

At least she lays on the floor a lot so we can help her study.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Guess who got her stitches out!

Cora here,
 I got my stitches out last week and Cali and I celebrated by taking a nap in mom and dad's bed!
Mom says to disregard the messiness, she was studying for a test and hasn't had time to clean this week. Speaking of studying, here I am helping her make notecards for her test!
After mom's test we had a pretty eventful week, we got a pool (which Cali hogged and wouldn't let me in with her)
Oh and then I got STUCK under the bed. Which is REALLY not funny, but mom and sister were laughing at me for a long time before they could finally get me out.
Taking pictures of me when she SHOULD be helping get me out of there, what kind of mom is she?
Anyway, it was really hot under there, so after they got me out, I went and took a nap on the cold tile floor of the shower.
Of course mom tried to take a picture of me sleeping, but I got up before she could. This is all she got. I guess she was feeling bad about laughing at me stuck under the bed so she let me snuggle with her on the couch.
And then when dad got home he cuddled with me too (I don't think he knows mom took this picture, but it's my favorite of him and I so far).

Alright, mom says she needs the computer to do school work so I have to go. But before I do, I'll leave you with one more picture of my adorable self!

Slobber & Kisses

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Country Dog/City Dog

Hey Humans,

So mom and I spent some time with Grammie out in the country last week to give Cora time to heal, and MAN we had a blast!!

I got to help grammie pick beans
And go on golf card rides with mom's friend Riley

And play with Clyde the Clydesdale (he was really cool, we shared a few kisses, but mom wasn't quick enough to get the picture)
 It was all pretty tiring 
I even fell asleep on the ride home

And stayed that way when we got home

Even though by then Cora was excited to see me, and very annoyed that all I wanted to do was sleep.
It was a great time and as usual Grammie and Poppa know how to show their grandoger a great time!
Oh here are some pictures from Cora's 1st visit out there (I forgot to post these last time):
I showed her how to play in the pool

 How to drink from the water hose while Grammie was watering the plants

And how to sleep against the window when your tired so you still get the sunlight
Until next time humans!
Slobber & Kisses,
Cali the Dog

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Nobody likes the cone of shame.

Cali here! 

Cora won't be writing for awhile, she's a little under the weather....
And writing while wearing the cone of shame doesn't really work out to well. 

Not to worry folks she's fine, just got spayed and had her belly hernia fixed yesterday. 

Since I'm her big sister and I love to embarrass her, here are some more pictures of her from yesterday. 

I heard a rumor that we are going to the country to visit our grammie, so I'll have more to share soon!

Later trader,
Cali Dog

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd WE'RE BACK!

Cali here!

Ok so we have had a very busy summer, followed by a very unfortunate issue....

Let's just say Cora - 1, Mom's Laptop - 0
Which is why we haven't posted in awhile...It took a few weeks for mom to get the screen fixed, and then she was working on school stuff, and then it was the 4th of July holiday weekend so she's just now letting me use the computer.
I'm working on a longer update, but just wanted to let you know why we've been gone for so long!
So sit back

Have a drink
Or take a nap
We have a TON of new stories coming your way over the next few days!

Hugs & Kisses,
    Cali Dog

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

13 Weeks Old

Cali here!

SO we went back to the vet this past week, Cora is now 20.6 lbs and growing fast! She got her 3rd round of shots and mom says she is still doing way better than I do at the vet (lame).

Last week she finally learned how to jump up on the couch. Now she's on the couch, on the bed, on my head, basically on everything she can jump on.

She is now sitting really well, and she can lay, so right now mom and I are working on getting her to roll over. We had to abandon the paw shaking because she keeps falling over (the girl has no balance I swear).

Apparently there was a holiday this weekend or something because mom and dad took us out to party with all of their friends! Sister went for a swim in the pool, and got tuckered out pretty quick.

Mom and dad's 1st wedding anniversary was this weekend also, so I got sent to the pet hotel and Cora got to stay with a friend of mom and dad's. They say she is to little to stay at the hotel with me, which really sucks because I miss that little turd when I'm away from her. But we both got a LOT of play time in because when we got back to the house on Monday, we were both SO tired.

 It was a really fun weekend, but now it's back to teaching Cora how to roll over!

Slobbers & Kisses,
        Cali Dog

Friday, May 17, 2013

Taking Cora for a walk

Cali here!

I let Cora write the last few times (I was busy sleeping) , but I'm back now.

Mom, dad & I took little bit for her first walk around the neighborhood tonight...It started off as more of a drag, but she got the hang of walking on the least after about 5 minutes or so.

We went for about a mile and a half, and she did good the entire time! Didn't whine or stop at any point!

This was right after we got home
This was about 5 minutes later (she was obviously OVER having her picture taken at this point) 

As you can see, she gets closer and closer to the floor (and sleep)  in every picture

Annnnnd she's out! Ok...maybe I was too at this point, but it was a good walk!